Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Packing...Bleck

Excited about packing the kitchen.  (Lie.)

Nathan does this really funny thing with Lily where he holds her (see above), swings her back and forth, and sings "Peanut Butter Jelly Time."  It cracks me up every time...I'm literally laughing while I'm typing this.  You are not obligated to think this is amusing.

Our days worth of boxes.  There is nothing gratifying about packing the kitchen because you feel like you haven't accomplished anything.  Nothing has noticeably changed about your house.

Pint glasses from for every Wednesday night spent there with friends.  You should all feel ashamed.  I had nothing to do with this (except packing the glasses).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Crazy Picture

I was bored tonight, so I was looking through pictures on the computer.  Sometimes Nathan loads pictures that I don't know about.  For example...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Moon Poster

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I'm so excited...I'm driving back to Auburn for this movie so I can see it with real fans.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Work With Nice People

My car - It made it through the day and to the park.

Katie's car - Picked me up at the park.  Drove me to pick blackberries.

Katie's mom's car - Tried to jump the Volvo.  Unsuccessful.

Kim's car - Picked me up this morning for work.

Meg's car - Drove me downtown to get some gifts.  Got its oil changed.

Donna's car - The car I'm currently driving.  Thanks Donna!

After running at the park last night, I got into the wagon and the key just clicked when I turned it.  Grrr.  Katie had to come pick me up and our blackberry picking had to be put on hold.  After driving to her parents, we decided we should try to jump it.  We took Katie's mom's car back to the park and we (mostly Katie) tried to jump the wagon.  No luck.  I got a tow, but the tow guy was from Alex City, so we (mostly Katie) had to draw him a map to Eagle Imports and deliver it to him.  Naturally, when we pulled up to deliver the map, the guy was bent over his hitch and his crack was hanging out.  Yummy.  The pictures above show the cars I have been in during the last 24 hours.  The picture below is the car that I've been dropping heavy hints about to Nathan.  Things like, "I want a Volvo C30."
The C30 - The car I really, really want.  
(Some of you might recognize this car from an amazing film that came out last year.)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chadwick's Shower

This afternoon, we had a wedding shower for Chad and Melanie.  Chad works at AJHS, and we went in together to host the shower at Tiffany's.  We had burgers and beans and lots of yummy desserts.  This first picture is all of the hostesses and Melanie (in the middle).  The next picture is Kim and Ann.  Ann runs the media center at school and me, Meg, and Tiff visit her almost every morning during our planning period.  She loves us and always has Dunkin Donuts coffee and usually food.  The food quickly disappears because we're usually starving by 9:00.  Weird.  (Funny story...Friday the three of us went to the media center after the 8th grade awards ceremony.  While we were fixing our coffee, we didn't hear the principal come over the intercom and announce that he was ending the period early.  We were laughing and talking, and then Chad came in and said, "Hey, your kids are sitting in your classrooms."  We all told him to shut up and we kept talking.  He said, "No, seriously.  3rd period has started and there aren't any teachers on your hallway except Tony."  Poor Tony.  We jumped up with our snacks and started running for our rooms.  Problem - it was awards ceremony day and we were all wearing dresses and heels.  By the time we got to our rooms, we were limping and breathing heavily.  Our kids were all in their desks, and they just rolled their eyes at us.  We have the greatest students.)  Anyway, the next picture is our cute invitation, and then Chad and Melanie playing the shoe game.  We would ask them a question like "Who is the pickiest eater?" and they would answer by raising a shoe.  It was cute.  Nathan sat in the Atlanta airport during this shower, but he'll be back in Auburn late Friday night.   

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Coffee and Cake

Tonight I attended a wedding shower for Carolyn, a teacher at school.  It was so cute.  Her hostesses reserved a coffee shop in downtown Opelika called Red Door June for the night, and we ordered mochas and lattes and enjoyed a nice cake.  There was a lot of scary baby talk going around the table...Tiffany and I left afraid to have children.  Yikes.  Otherwise, it was a very nice night.  The first picture is me and Tiffany and then Tiff and Donna.  (Donna is the teacher whose dog I watch sometimes.)  Then the hostesses with the bride and a nice group shot of our pretty AJHS teachers. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Field Day

Here we are, looking sweaty in the middle of 8th grade Field Day. Our poor little Bearcats came in dead last but they gave it their all. We did get the "Sportmanship" award. Our t-shirts say, "The Few. The Proud. The Bearcats." We have about 65 kids on our team, and we competed against three other teams of about 120 kids each.

Old Pep Rally Pictures

Today I fould some old pictures from the pep rally last semester at school. I was one of the few teachers who volunteered for a faculty dance. The pep rally had a "decades" theme and the teachers danced to a mix of songs from the 90s. I've decided that some of my friends have no shame...we look ridiculous. Thought you would enjoy these.

A Few More Relay Pictures

That's me with Anna Grace and then with her mom Kim. Kim and I teach together at AJHS. We're holding the Oscar we received for best t-shirt. (Anna Grace still talks about Millie who she met a few months ago.)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Relay for Life 2009

Last night was the Lee County Relay for Life walk.  My shift is always from midnight to 6am.  I left school yesterday and got into bed and slept until about 10pm then got up and went to the relay.  Our team is really into having at least one person walking the entire twelve hours and we definitely did that this year.  I missed many of the AJHS participants because they were there at the start time.  We won the t-shirt design contest for the third year in a row.  (I always design the t-shirts.)  The theme this year was "Lights, Camera, Take Action Against Cancer" so all teams were encouraged to have movie-themed shirts and campsites.  The red t-shirt says, "Frankly, cancer, we do give a damn," and it has the Gone with the Wind picture on it.  We couldn't wear it to school so that's why we made the Star Wars ones also.  We also won "best campsite" and "most money raised by a school."  In the end, I think we raised almost $5000.

Adam and Baylor Knott wearing the Yoda t-shirts.

John Pennisi, Anna Grace, Jason Wright (my principal), Landrey, and April.  
We all joked that DHR would be on their way to pick up the children who were forced to stay at the track all night.

Our award-winning t-shirt.

The 6am crew.  Betsy, Kim, me, Katie, Anna Grace, and April.

Timmy the Donkey

I had forgotten that I had taken this picture of Timmy and Scott.  Scott insisted on buying a huge bag of carrots to feed to Timmy and the other horses a last month.  Timmy was all about it.  I was afraid that one of the horses would die from eating too many carrots but Scott said that would be okay.  He would just put the horse in the trailer and accidentally set the thing on fire.  That way the horse body would be gone, we wouldn't have to worry about selling the trailer, and we could collect the insurance money.  Nice plan.  

Timmy is a natural escape artist.  I can be sitting on the couch or eating at the table, and suddenly a little donkey will trot past the window.  Or I'll be driving to work in the morning and Timmy is out on the road munching on some grass.  I've had to call the landlord twice to let him know that Timmy was out.  He cusses, offers to sell the donkey for $5, then thanks me. Everyone who comes to the trailer falls in love with Timmy but no one will adopt him.  Any takers?


Here are a couple more pictures from Nathan's graduation.  That's David Lewis...he's currently working in Tennessee with horses.  And then there's Nathan with his parents.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The girls decided to go out to a fancy dinner in Opelika last Friday night to do some celebrating. I had just gotten my new job in Owensboro, and Tiffany had just wrapped up a big event for Moxii (the company she is working for on the side). We ended up at Cafe was delicious. We stuffed ourselves and then did a little shopping in cute downtown Opelika. That's Katie, Tiffany, Me, and Meg.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dr. Kunze

Here are a few pictures from Nathan's graduation from Vet School...big day!