My car - It made it through the day and to the park.

Katie's car - Picked me up at the park. Drove me to pick blackberries.

Katie's mom's car - Tried to jump the Volvo. Unsuccessful.

Kim's car - Picked me up this morning for work.

Meg's car - Drove me downtown to get some gifts. Got its oil changed.
Donna's car - The car I'm currently driving. Thanks Donna!
After running at the park last night, I got into the wagon and the key just clicked when I turned it. Grrr. Katie had to come pick me up and our blackberry picking had to be put on hold. After driving to her parents, we decided we should try to jump it. We took Katie's mom's car back to the park and we (mostly Katie) tried to jump the wagon. No luck. I got a tow, but the tow guy was from Alex City, so we (mostly Katie) had to draw him a map to Eagle Imports and deliver it to him. Naturally, when we pulled up to deliver the map, the guy was bent over his hitch and his crack was hanging out. Yummy. The pictures above show the cars I have been in during the last 24 hours. The picture below is the car that I've been dropping heavy hints about to Nathan. Things like, "I want a Volvo C30."
The C30 - The car I really, really want.
(Some of you might recognize this car from an amazing film that came out last year.)
I love it! The structure, the photos, and the hint. I see a new car in your future...