Another great weekend in Kentucky. Vet school friends from all over drove up to Owensboro for the mini-harvest this weekend. Shawn from Asheville, Morgan/Tyler from Atlanta, and David/Rachael from Princeton, KY.
Shawn was the first to arrive on Friday, and he and Nathan drove around the country with the dogs checking out farmland, etc. We had Colbys for dinner then I suggested that Nathan take Shawn out to Rosine for the Friday night "barn dance." Rosine is the birthplace of Bill Monroe, so every Friday they have bluegrass music. Shawn loved it...right up his alley.
Morgan and Tyler arrived after I was asleep on Friday, but I woke up and found around thirty White Castle boxes in the trash in the kitchen. Apparently, Tyler had never had a White Castle burger. So glad I was asleep.
Saturday we picked grapes and ate in Utica for the majority of the day. David, Rachael, and Cora drove up to help out. Watched the Cats "play," then headed to Gambrinus for a drink. Today we slept in and ate Panera for lunch. Then headed to Trunnell's Farm Market for mums and pumpkins. It's beginning to feel a lot like fall!

Shawn picking grapes.

Rachael with Cora...Nathan is doing something to the baby.

Morgan and I couldn't get these tubs apart so the men took over. Not as easy as they thought. Tyler started yelling at the women saying stuff like, "Go get me a beer. Make me a sandwich. And here's some money...could you do something with your face?" Oh Tyler. You look so macho in the picture.

Tyler and Morgan on their first row of grapes.

Janet with her favorite. Pork!

Me with the gloves on. During the second harvest last year, I cut about two bundles of grapes and was stung by a wasp. My hand blew up, and I had to drive to the pharmacy in town. I knew better this year.

Little Newt beating up on Kate.

Vet school crew. Rachael, Dr. David holding Cora, Dr. Nathan, me, Dr. Morgan, Tyler, and Dr. Shawn with his banjo.