Our New Year's resolution is to start cooking more at the house. This is a big deal for me because I'm not a cook. It's one of the things in life that stresses me out the most. So for the month of January, we're cooking twenty meals from Real Simple magazine. They provided the shopping lists and "simple" recipes.
The process started yesterday with a visit to the grocery. It only cost us about $80 to get all of the ingredients for the first five meals, but it took us around two hours and a trip to Wal-Mart and Kroger. Items we purchased for the first time ever - bok choy, beets, Asian hot sauce, savoy cabbage, fresh sage. We had to read every tag in the produce section to find some of these items. "Is a scallion a small onion or the long green onion? Wait...what's a shallot?" Questions like this filled our Monday morning.
Tonight kicked off the twenty meals, and I'm going to try to update each night.
MEAL #1 - Salmon with Gingery Green Beans and Bok Choy

Not too bad...a little burnt. Here's why:

Graham decided that his four day poop strike would end in the middle of cooking. This was the most epic diaper yet. It even called for a bath before dinner could begin. This is the most comfortable he's been in...well...four days.

Sacrifice for a homemade meal - one Ugg boot. I'll need to visit the dry cleaner tomorrow. Awesome.