This year's trip to Auburn had a different dynamic now that everyone has babies. We stayed with Tiffany and Ryan for two nights and got approximately three hours of sleep each night. Graham was on a sleeping strike and screamed every time we put him down. Normally this would be okay, but with a sleeping Anderson in the next room, things got a little stressful. The picture above is by far the cutest pic of the weekend. We were stripping both of them for a bath, and they started playing on the floor together. I love their opposite hair and eye color.
Here's big sister Auden. Nathan and I drove straight to the hospital to see little Callan. He's so handsome. (See pic below.)
Callan Rex Rainer
The progression below sums up Anderson in three pics.
She loved Graham and was always on the move!
See Graham's cute striped outfit above? There was a lot of drama behind its purchase. Graham had been grumpy and grunting that day, and Tiffany gave me some prunes for Graham to try for the first time. We only gave him about ten bites. Tiffany and I were set on taking the babies to some clothing stores in town, so after lunch we packed them in the car. We pulled up to the first store, took the babies out, and I said, "Yay! The prunes worked. I smell something!" I wanted to run into the store first, then change Graham in the back of Tiff's SUV. The store was closed, so we popped the back and proceeded to change Graham. When I pulled his sweatpants off, the insides were completely coated in poo. It. Was. Everywhere. I basically gave him a head to toe bath with wipes. I then dove into my diaper bag to discover that for the first time in six months I was without an extra change of clothes. So Graham went into the carseat in a diaper. Then he went into the next boutique in said diaper. Then we purchased the adorable ensemble above. I've never felt so judged in my life...except for the time Nathan and I drank beer in Salsaritas with Graham sleeping in the carseat next to us.
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