Thursday, September 22, 2011

Famous Sad Face

Correction to previous blog: This is Graham's famous sad face.

Two Months Old

So Katie emailed me and said I needed a new post so the "pathetic video" wouldn't be on top any more. Here are a few new pics of Graham. He'll be nine weeks tomorrow!

Graham's famous sad face.

Here is Grandmother demonstrating the Five Ss of Dr. Karp. These are described in detail in the BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN - The Happiest Baby on the Block. Dr. Karp has five steps to calm a fussy baby. Swaddle baby, place him on his side, shush loudly into his ear, swing the baby, and finally, let the baby suck on something. If we perform these five steps in this order with vigor, Graham shuts down in seconds. It's amazing. He can be screaming bloody murder, and a moment later he looks like the above picture. If you need help with this technique, call me. Magic!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Spoke Too Soon

So we thought the medicine was helping, but really Graham just had a good day when I created the last post. This video shows Graham after being fed and changed. Typical day. Right now it's raining outside so a walk isn't an option.

I've recently discovered a website called "The Fussy Baby Site" which lists characteristics of the "high needs" child. Almost every item on this list describes Graham except for the difficulty sleeping. Thank God he sleeps at night...during the day, not so much. He's taken one 45 minute nap today, and it's 2 o'clock right now. Ugh.

The blog on this site is pretty funny. It lists tips on how to live with your fussy baby. Practical advice like how to take a shower or cook dinner. One mom says, "Everyone deserves a shower! Ten minutes of crying won't kill your baby." She also suggests stripping down your baby (diaper and all), put them on a towel on the floor to catch any messes, and turn on some up-beat music very loudly. She swears it calms her baby down. Haven't tried it yet.