So Katie emailed me and said I needed a new post so the "pathetic video" wouldn't be on top any more. Here are a few new pics of Graham. He'll be nine weeks tomorrow!

Graham's famous sad face.

Here is Grandmother demonstrating the Five Ss of Dr. Karp. These are described in detail in the BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN - The Happiest Baby on the Block. Dr. Karp has five steps to calm a fussy baby.
Swaddle baby, place him on his
shush loudly into his ear,
swing the baby, and finally, let the baby
suck on something. If we perform these five steps in this order with vigor, Graham shuts down in seconds. It's amazing. He can be screaming bloody murder, and a moment later he looks like the above picture. If you need help with this technique, call me. Magic!
I picked that book up in the bookstore once and looked at the chapter titles. Didn't read any of it, but during Auden's meltdowns I definitely used them. Of course, if I stopped holding her she'd melt down again, so it didn't get me any extra rest, but it did work. Great photos!