Scott drove up to Auburn this weekend, and we had lots to do. Friday night we had dinner at home and then we went to the movies to see State of Play. We both really liked this movie. Saturday morning I got up early to run a 5K with three teachers from school. I finished in 37 minutes which was pretty good for me. We were all upset about the ugly t-shirt we and blue tie-dyed. I drove home and woke up Scott, and we ate barbeque at Mike and Eds. It was packed because Saturday was A-Game, the football scrimmage game that brings about 50,000 to Auburn. Crazy. I was hoping to get a dozen calls about the trailer. I only got one call and they stood me up. I zoomed out to Waverly where I had left Scott for the Old 280 Boogie - a big hippie music fest in the country. Scott, Katie, and myself enjoyed music and food until about 6:30. Scott and I picked up ice cream and Taco Bell and returned home. I fell asleep before 9:00. Scott left town Sunday morning after breakfast at Panera, and I bummed around for the rest of the day. Tornadoes came through Alabama Sunday so I ended up at a friend's house...I left the cats to fend for themselves in the trailer. Unfortunately, the mobile home is still standing. (Pictures from the run are on the way.)

The trailer was "unfortunately" still standing? haha. I guess after 4 years, the joy of the prefabricated palace has worn off? hmm