These are the female Bearcat teachers - Me (language arts), Tiffany Cummins (social studies), and Meg Herring (science). Our male math teacher is very patient with us...he just ignores our scheming and screaming. Two weeks ago, we purchased our tickets to Seattle for Spring Break. This sounds like a great trip to a big city, but our intentions are mischievous. Our favorite book, Twilight, takes place in a small town on the Washington coast. Also, the second movie in this same series begins filming in March in Oregon. We have plans to land in Seattle, immediately rent a car, and drive to Oregon where we can scope out the film set. We fully plan to crawl through bushes with our zoom lenses in order to get pictures of the cast and crew. Husbands will be on-call in case we need to be bailed out of jail in Oregon. After the drive to Oregon, we're going to drive to the Olympic National Park which borders the town of Forks where the book takes place. We'll be the people on the side of the road taking pictures next to the city sign. We will also be wearing matching t-shirts that we purchased after viewing the movie for the fourth time (sixth time for Tiffany). THEN we will drive to Seattle to sight-see and eat excellent food. Our friends say we are crazy...they are just jealous.
Stalkers! I love it! I am psyched about reading about the trip as it unfolds...