Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, Ryan Cummins sends out The Office quotes of the day from a desk calendar that he has. I had the calendar in 2009 and sent them out to faithful viewers last year. Why don't more people love this show?!? Here's a quote from this week...this explains why I love Andy who went to a little school called Cornell. Ever heard of it? Rut-tu-tu-tu-doo!

Andy - "Andy Bernard does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them because they're unfair."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bedroom Befores and Afters

View of the living room from the dining room. The front door is over by Nathan. Not a very big space but I think it will work. The couch isn't too big. We're prepping this room for paint.

New rug for the living room. It's really big and will cover most of the space. Should look good under my new couch.

The office before the paint job - purple!

The office after - "dark storm cloud" - not happy with the paint job around the baseboards...we need to fix it.

Spare bedroom before - lime green.

Spare bedroom after - "harmonic tan" - love it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Paint Colors

Okay, this post is for Meg who insisted that I tell her about EVERYTHING with the house. These are the paint colors that Nathan and I have decided on. The only thing up in the air is the master bathroom upstairs; we need to look at the floor tile again. I'm leaning toward a gray/ice blue. What do you think about the palette? Enlarge the photo and tell me if the living room color looks too pink...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New House

Nathan and I are closing on our first house tonight if the bank comes through with our paperwork. A picture of the exterior is below. We plan on taking down the arbor in front of the huge dining room window. I'll be updating the blog with before and after pictures of each room as we work on them. We're going to paint one room this weekend and see if we are as awesome as we think we are. If it's a disaster, I'll be calling in some professionals.

New purchases so far...

1. comforter for master

2. couch