Student: "Mrs. Rainer, where is Darry?"
Katie: "That's him, right there." (Pointing to Patrick Swayze.)
Student: "That doesn't look like Darry."
Katie: "What do you think Darry should look like?"
Student: "Isn't he a middle-aged black guy?"
Katie: "Well, he's Ponyboy and Soda's older brother, and they're white, so I'm pretty sure that Darry is white too. Also, he would be in college now if he'd gone, so he's just 19 or 20."
Student: "Are you sure?"
Katie: "Pretty sure. Why do you think he's a middle-aged black guy?"
Student: "The Darryl on The Office is, so I just thought this one was, too."
ha ha ha, tee hee hee, ha. I wish I could recast the movie now!