Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ode to Momma Meggles

"Ode to Momma Meggles"

While thinking of a gift for Meg’s birthday,

A few rhyming lines I decided to pen.

Here’s a creation that goes all the way,

Describing my life with Meg, now and then.

When I was first introduced to Mrs. Herring,

We were both new to the Bearcat team.

In our meeting I couldn’t keep from staring,

At this beauty our students would find a dream.

How will our students be able to learn?

How will they memorize scientific information?

This teacher will only make boys’ heads turn,

Inciting infatuation rather than concentration.

How quickly I realized that this was not the case.

Mrs. Herring wasn’t just a pretty cheerleader turned teacher.

Terror and dread she could put on any student’s face.

Truly, Mrs. Herring could become a strict and fearsome creature.

It was this discipline I learned to admire.

I appreciated her blunt and sometimes harsh way.

A transformation was soon to transpire.

Mrs. Herring was gone – Meg was here to stay.

Soon we discovered our passions were the same,

Most of them revolving around our book Twilight.

I even got Meg to board a scary airplane.

Just a couple of drinks took out all the fright.

I’ve learned a few things about Meg, my pal.

For example she doesn’t like to share a bed.

Her big Tahoe on the inside is always foul,

And she likes a glass of wine – always red.

Now in her brand new house she is sitting,

Taking care of Hollan, her girl so small.

And with this recent birth I think it fitting,

To say that Hollan is the best gift of all.

So Meg, I’m sorry I don’t have a package to bring,

On this special day when you turn thirty-two.

I wish I could rush down to Auburn and sing,

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!


  1. Sweet, sweet, sweet. She must be "megstra" special to get a poem like that! Lynds, how do you find the time? Your talents never cease to amaze me. Happy B'Day to Meg. Miss you.

  2. Love love love it! What a great gift!
