Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Harry Potter!
Sooooo...Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out in theaters today, but in order to show my devotion, I went to a midnight showing (12:02) last night. Unfortunately, there was NO midnight showing in Owensboro so I had to get tickets for a theater in Evansville, Indiana. Yes, I'm a true fan. Nathan had to get up early and work, but our friend AJ drove from Lexington to go with me. AJ tends to pull through and attend events that Nathan "can't make." He's gone with me to the ballet and to a wedding before. Either Nathan is an extremely busy person or a very smart man. Whatever. I don't care...I got to see Harry. It was ammaaazzzing! Definitely the most humorous movie in the series. Going into the theater, I told AJ that there was only one scene from the book that I really wanted to be in the film. It was there! Remember what Ron does in the hospital bed after he gets poisoned? Loved it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009
I just got back from Yellowstone National Park. The DeLacey Family Reunion (Nathan's mom) takes place every year during the Fourth of July weekend. Nathan couldn't go this year because of work but I still got to go with Bruce and Susie and about twenty other relatives. Here are a few of my favorite pictures...I took about 350 so this is just a sampling. My first project when I get back to KY is to create a movie of these pics. Bruce, Susie, and myself saw almost every inch of this park including ALL five entrances. (Trust me. This is a big deal.) We saw every animal on our list except for a moose and a wolf. Even though bears make me shake in my boots, I kept it together when we saw the black bear family and then the lone grizzly. We saw the following: black bear, grizzly bear, deer, mule deer, elk, geese, ducks, bald eagles, swans, coyote, bison (tatanka), chipmunks, marmots, and other various birds and rodents. It was awesome.
Susie and I with the Grant Tetons in the background. This was on the way to Jackson.
The bald eagle we passed every day on our way into the park. Her nest was nearby.
Momma bear with her two cubs. Look at the one on her back.
Buffalo grazing near the Mud Volcano.
Bruce and Susie at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Notice the yellow stone on the walls.
Mule deer crossing the river on our way out of the park on the last day.
Old Faithful.
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone again...I think this looks like a painting.
Coyote with dinner.
Baby tatanka with mom.
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